Max Performer Reviews: Can it improve libido and strengthen erections?

We take a look at Max Performer to see if it can make a difference in sex drive, performance, and stamina.

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Last updated: May 30th, 2024
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max performer reviews

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As men age, we experience more and more issues surrounding sexual performance, stamina, and libido. But these issues are not at all exclusive to older men — ED affects adult men of all ages, as do issues with sperm count and motility. So, naturally, there are numerous companies like Max Performer offering solutions. We’ll dive into the available research regarding Max Performer’s ingredients so you can decide whether it can help you safely address your concerns in the bedroom.

Our Findings

Editor's Rating3.80


  • May increase sperm count and motility
  • Botanical ingredients may combine to address erectile dysfunction
  • Contains a small but well-dosed multivitamin complex
  • 100-day money-back guarantee
  • Fast and free shipping on all orders


  • Some ingredients are underdosed
  • May cause increased heart rate
  • Potential drug interactions with antiplatelet and anti-diabetic medications
  • May not be suitable for people with autoimmune conditions or people on chemotherapy
  • One-month supply is among the pricier supplements in its category

Max Performer is generally safe to use, and most of its ingredients produce positive results in studies that use similar doses. But some other ingredients appear in lower doses, calling their efficacy into question. In the end, Max Performer has the potential to be effective for some men, particularly those with specific vitamin or mineral deficiencies.

Table of Contents

In this Review

Why you should trust us

In reviewing Max Performer, we leveraged thousands of hours of research in the men’s sexual health landscape to evaluate the product and its specific ingredients against its closest competition. All told, we reviewed more than 200 scholarly articles on the ingredients in question and on men’s sexual function in general. We’ve explored efficacy by comparing the parameters and doses of those studies with the ingredients, quantities, and dosing schedule for Max Performer and its competitors. And we’ve gotten our hands on the products to compare customer experience, delivery and return logistics, and privacy considerations. We’ve consulted with experts in related fields and talked to customers who were willing to share their experiences.

Like all health-related content on this website, this review of Max Performer was thoroughly vetted by one or more members of our Medical Review Board for accuracy. We’ll continue monitoring Max Performer and the broader men’s health supplement market to keep this review up-to-date.

Over the past two decades, Innerbody Research has helped tens of millions of readers make more informed decisions to improve their health.

How we evaluated Max Performer

Whenever we evaluate a product, we try to put ourselves firmly in the position of a potential customer and consider their needs and safety above all else. As a male enhancement pill, Max Performer’s potential effectiveness and safety are paramount. Few men would choose an obviously inferior product to save a few dollars, especially when the treatment at hand is designed to affect them sexually. And just as many men would prefer to pay a little more for something they know would work, they would also likely pay more to ensure the product affecting their sexual performance is safe.

After these two critical criteria, we consider cost and convenience parameters that vary only a little bit from one male enhancement product to the next.

Ultimately, we see Max Performer as a good fit for men who suspect that nutritional deficits may be at least partly to blame for their sexual dysfunction. The product’s multivitamin complex and a few key botanicals can help counteract certain deficiencies or underlying issues related to diet. And with many ingredients appearing in doses lower than those used in relevant clinical research, there may be a smaller risk of side effects.

Let’s take a closer look at each criterion to see how Max Performer stacks up.


Rating: 7.5 / 10

Max Performer has just enough ingredients with some clinical evidence at just high enough doses that it can make a positive difference after several weeks of consistent daily use. An ingredient like maca, which appears in successful studies in a range of 1,200-3,500mg, is present in Max Performer at 1,000mg. That may be slightly less than typical clinical use, but it’s so close that potential customers can reasonably expect it to make a difference in combination with other ingredients.

(Remember, most studies look into these ingredients in isolation, not in combination. That’s not to say that a supplement with ingredients that appear at a fraction of the clinical doses will mysteriously perform better than the sum of its parts. But when doses are as close as they are in the case of maca in Max Performer, it’s easier to expect some degree of efficacy.)

Max Performer lists 50mg of a 20:1 epimedium extract in its supplement, which is equivalent to 1,000mg of epimedium leaf powder. And icariin, the active flavonoid responsible for horny goat weed’s erectogenic effects, is only present in the leaf at about 3%. That means Max Performer’s dose provides just 30mg of icariin.

One prominent study in rats used concentrated icariin doses of 1mg/kg, 5mg/kg, and 10mg/kg of body weight. Translated to humans, that’s roughly 160mg for a 220lb man at the high end and 16mg at the low end. All three dose levels showed erectogenic effects, so even though Max Performer’s dose is toward the low end of the study’s tested doses, it still may provide an effect.

Many of the studies looking at botanical ingredients in Max Performer were performed in animals, and more human studies are needed. Even among human studies, study populations have been low, necessitating larger studies into specific doses before we can definitively say these ingredients work. Current research is promising, but it’s not there yet.


Rating: 8.2 / 10

When we consider the safety of a given supplement, we scour available research on its ingredients for any and all mentions of adverse effects. Patterns often emerge across multiple studies or in meta-analyses that tell us what kinds of side effects the average person can expect and which side effects might impact specific groups of people.

In Max Performer’s case, there’s enough data on the majority of its ingredients that we could consider it generally safe for healthy men. Still, there are a number of potential side effects that are common across several of its ingredients, including:

  • Nausea
  • Headache
  • Vomiting
  • Insomnia
  • Increased heart rate
  • Abdominal pain
  • Gout
  • Itching
  • Flushing

Most minor gastrointestinal side effects will often subside after a few days of treatment. Still, lingering side effects or any other type of side effect beyond a mild headache should be taken seriously.

Compared to other supplements in its class, this is a favorable side effect profile. That’s largely due to Max Performer’s tendency to dose its ingredients toward the low end of ranges used in studies. There may be a minor sacrifice in efficacy as a result, but if there is still efficacy and the product is safer, it’s a better choice.

Nonetheless, certain groups should proceed with caution. Horny goat weed can cause breathing difficulties in some people. And, despite its prevalence in herbal medicine, there is some negative correlation between ginseng and certain prescription drugs like warfarin and phenelzine. Also, because many male enhancement products include ingredients intended to increase blood flow — and, incidentally, lower blood pressure — they may be dangerous for men with low blood pressure or those on medication to maintain it. One ingredient, Korean red ginseng, also has anti-diabetic properties, which, when given to people with diabetes, may cause hypoglycemia.

Some other populations that should proceed with extra caution (and make sure to get the all-clear from their doctor) when considering Max Performer include:

  • Individuals with autoimmune diseases such as systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) or multiple sclerosis (MS) — heightened immunity after using the supplement may exacerbate their conditions.
  • Those who are currently on immunosuppressive chemotherapy, as the ingredients may interfere with those treatments.
  • People taking anti-diabetic and anti-platelet drugs, as Max Performer's ingredients can increase the risk of side effects.

Even if you aren’t part of a population mentioned above, always consult a physician before adding Max Performer or any new supplement to your regimen. Supplements aren’t meant to treat or cure (nor are they intended to prevent or diagnose) any medical problems, including ED, and it’s important to make sure they won’t interact with any medications you take or conditions you may have.


Rating: 6.7 / 10

Our cost consideration goes beyond just the price tag on a product. We look at things like bulk or subscription savings opportunities, return policies, money-back guarantees, and shipping costs. Among supplements in its class, Max Performer is one of the most expensive for a one-month supply. That said, its savings at the highest bulk level are some of the steepest compared to the price of that one-month supply.

But most people don’t want to invest in an entire year’s worth of male enhancement products. And many who would want to can’t afford the large lump sum investment. So, while we appreciate the opportunity for savings at those bulk levels, it doesn’t do much to lower the cost for the average person.

Here’s a quick look at how Max Performer’s costs compare to others in its class:

Cost per monthCost per month with a three-month supplyCost per month at highest bulk level
Max Performer$70$46$33
Performer 8$65$43$39
VigRx Plus$70$60$49
Volume Pills$60$52$33
Male Extra$30N/A$38

The last price on that list isn’t a typo. Male Extra actually charges more for their highest bulk option than any other tier. The low $30/month price comes from the company’s entry-level tier, which is a two-pack sold for $60.

Max Performer used to have an even lower monthly price if you purchased an entire year’s supply, but that option has since been removed. Now, the most you can get at once is a six-month supply for $200, and not everybody has that to spend out of the gate. You may be tempted to try just one month’s worth, but it’s crucial to remember that the ingredients in these supplements can take up to three months to start taking effect. At that three-month level, Max Performer lands somewhere in the middle of the pack.

Fortunately, it’s one of just three supplements in our chart that provides a long enough money-back guarantee for men to actually see if it works at 100 days. Most other companies offer 67 days or less. However, single-box orders aren’t eligible for this guarantee, so we recommend starting with that three-month supply if you’re interested.


Rating: 6.3 / 10

There are certain things we prefer to see for customer convenience, including the ability to set up a subscription and not have to worry about reordering. Max Performer doesn’t provide a subscription program, which is frustrating but not atypical among male enhancement supplements.

Maybe the biggest knock on Max Performer's convenience is its customer service infrastructure — or lack thereof. A generic email address is the only way to contact the company, with no telephone or live chat support available. In our experience, the company responds to emails relatively quickly, often in less than 24 hours. Still, other companies have additional chat and phone support, and we see no good reason why Max Performer can't have the same.

In the grand scheme of things, with a supplement that can take up to three months to start working, having to wait up to a few days before getting a question answered won’t set you back too much. But if any problems arise — including the need to cash in on that 100-day money-back guarantee — we’d be more comfortable if they were more responsive.

What is Max Performer?

Max Performer is a non-prescription nutritional supplement made by U.K. company Silver Blade Nutrition. Designed to help men suffering from mild forms of sexual dysfunction, it provides a set of botanical ingredients with a complex of vitamins and minerals. Several of its ingredients have performed well in studies looking at erectile performance and testosterone levels, but no studies have examined how Max Performer’s specific ingredient combination works in men (a common issue consumers have to grapple with).

Max Performer tablets

Photo by Innerbody Research

Here’s a quick look at Max Performer’s ingredients. We dive deeper in the next section:

  • Horny goat weed: 1,000mg (standardized to 10% icariin)
  • Maca: 1,000mg
  • Cordyceps: 1,000mg
  • Korean red ginseng: 1,000mg
  • Bioperine: 15mg
  • Selenium: 120mcg
  • Zinc citrate: 24mg
  • Iron: 14mg
  • Riboflavin (vitamin B2): 10mg
  • Niacin (vitamin B3): 32mg
  • Pantothenic acid (vitamin B5): 40mg
  • Pyridoxine hydrochloride (vitamin B6): 10mg
  • Cyanocobalamin (vitamin B12): 10mcg

How does Max Performer work?

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Max Performer relies on ingredients with at least some clinical research behind them in the sexual health field. Some boast studies that show increases in blood flow to the penis, sperm motility, energy, and stamina. Others need further scrutiny, either because the current collection of studies is too small or because that collection focuses on animals’ reactions. It’s nonetheless well worth looking into Max Performer’s main ingredients for indicators of its potential efficacy and safety.

Horny goat weed

A traditional medicinal herb in China, horny goat weed (also known as Epimedium or barrenwort) contains a glycoside called icariin that studies link with several health benefits. Those include some circulatory benefits in humans as well as the potential to inhibit PDE-5 activity similarly to prescription tadalafil (Cialis). Max Performer provides a reasonable 50mg dose of a 20:1 epimedium extract, which may be effective, but research in humans is still limited and far from conclusive.


A meta-analysis of available studies looking at maca as a treatment for sexual dysfunction found four credible sources of data. Results were mixed and warranted further study, but when successful, maca appears able to positively affect sexual function without a direct impact on testosterone or estradiol levels.

Korean red ginseng

While studies on ginseng as a sexual supplement are still limited, they show more promise than others. A double-blind, placebo-controlled study of 60 men looked at 1,000mg doses of Korean red ginseng administered over 12 weeks. Men treated with ginseng reported increases in erectile strength and performance. Another 8-week study of 45 men using 900mg of ginseng had similar results. Statistically, the study population is far too small to draw definite conclusions, but they certainly warrant further study.

It’s worth noting that Max Performer uses a 1,000mg dose of Korean red ginseng, which may increase some cardiovascular risk factors.


Cordyceps is an entire genus of fungi that encompasses around 600 species. It’s a mushroom that can grow on caterpillar larvae, which scientists have examined as a potential cancer cure, among other uses. The scientific basis for its effectiveness as a sexual enhancement supplement is significantly limited. Still, studies in mice show an increase in progesterone and testosterone levels as well as an uptick in sexual function that could increase sperm count and fertility if repeated in humans. For a 220lb man, studies indicate a dose as low as 1,600mg could be effective. That’s a little higher than Max Performer’s 1,000mg dose, but not by much.


Derived from black pepper, Bioperine is a branded form of piperine. It isn’t included in Max Performer to directly affect sexual health. In studies, Bioperine acts as a bioavailability enhancer, allowing your body to absorb nutrients more effectively. So, in this formula, it works to enhance the efficacy of other ingredients by helping your body absorb more of them.

Vitamins and minerals

Several vitamins and minerals show promise in at least helping to address symptoms of sexual disorders, and their ability to regulate blood flow and hormonal activity is evident in various studies. Max Performer contains zinc, selenium, B2, B3, B5, B6, B12, and iron. Direct studies on their effects on human sexuality are somewhat limited, but their efficacy in other areas of health that can influence performance is clear. That includes zinc’s role in testosterone levels and various B vitamins’ ability to improve semen parameters.

Is Max Performer a legitimate product?

Max Performer is a legitimate product. The particular men’s health niche to which it belongs isn’t known for particularly modern website design or customer service, but the ingredients and compounding of the product itself are fine. We’d certainly like to see companies in this space perform some third-party testing for purity and safety so we can guarantee that you’re taking what they claim to include.

There is some scientific evidence that some of its ingredients can help men achieve erections, especially if the reasons for their sexual dysfunction are nutritional in nature. More clinical research on humans is needed.

Is Max Performer safe?

For most healthy users, Max Performer should be relatively safe. Generally, people who experience side effects will encounter mild reactions connected to certain ingredients, but these rarely rise above a slightly elevated heart rate or an upset stomach.

There are some cardiovascular risks associated with ginseng and any ingredient that can improve blood flow by relaxing blood vessels. That should give pause to men with any history of heart problems. This is also true of prescription-strength PDE-5 inhibitors, but it’s worth noting that those drugs have a lot more research into their potential effects on heart health, and doctors are better equipped to recognize and interpret those effects than they’d likely be if ginseng were the culprit. A few other ingredients, including generally safe vitamins and minerals, have the potential to cause everything from stomach discomfort to gout if taken in extreme doses.

The following groups should only use Max Performer after consulting their physician:

  • People with autoimmune disorders (for instance, SLE or multiple sclerosis)
  • People who are on chemotherapy
  • People who take diabetes medication
  • People who take antiplatelet medication

For those reasons, we suggest that you talk to your doctor before taking Max Performer. It’s also not a good idea to mix Max Performer with a daily multivitamin before talking first with your doctor or dietitian, as you may run the risk of over-supplementation and toxicity in some cases. Those currently taking blood thinners and other medications associated with the cardiovascular system should also take extra precautions and talk with their doctor.

Pricing and payments

Max Performer offers three pricing tiers for its product; your best option will depend on how much you can spend up-front, whether you know the product works for you, and how much pantry space you have. You can purchase a supply for one, three, or six months. Here’s a quick breakdown of the costs:

PriceCost per dayEligible for money back guarantee?
One-month supply$69$2.30
Three-month supply$138$1.53
Six-month supply$200$1.11

The six-month supply offers the best value, but if you don’t have the capital to invest that much or want to wait to see how it works, we suggest starting with the three-month supply. That way, you get the company’s 100-day money-back guarantee. And since it can take up to 90 days to see any results, this order gives you the best chance to see if the product works for you.

Other companies — like Semenax or VigRx Plus, both offered by Leading Edge Health — offer 67-day guarantees, which isn’t always long enough for their ingredients to start working fully. Max Performer’s money-back guarantee is much stronger in this way.

Max Performer accepts major credit cards and PayPal, and it provides free first-class shipping via USPS on all orders.

Max Performer FAQ

Alternatives to Max Performer

Max Performer is one of many products designed to improve a man’s sexual performance. This particular area of the men’s health market can be a little dangerous to navigate, with counterfeit supplement producers who sometimes slip prescription drugs into their products and even manufacturers that recklessly use untested ingredients and make outrageous promises about penis size.

In our guides and reviews, we’ve done the lion’s share of this navigating for you and separated the wheat from the chaff. Knowing what safe alternatives are available is critical, whether you end up trying Max Performer and deciding to move on after a few months or you want to evaluate it against its closest competition before placing any orders.

Since Max Performer is considered a male enhancement pill, we’ll look at some of the other male enhancement pills on the market, our favorite of which is Performer 8. We’ll also compare it to testosterone boosters, as the two categories share a lot of ingredients; treating low testosterone levels can have a profound effect on male sexual health. We believe Max Performer is a viable choice among its peers, but there are other options that may be superior for you, some of which cost less.

And we’d be remiss if we didn’t also talk about prescription alternatives, especially for men who hope that a male enhancement product will address erectile dysfunction.

Other male enhancement pills

Not all male enhancement pills are created equal. They each use various ingredients customized to a specific formula, with doses ranging from pathetically small to dangerously abundant. When we put together our guide to the best male enhancement pills, we included only those offerings that we thought had the best chance of efficacy with the greatest degree of safety.

That scrutiny doesn’t mean that everything in our guide is perfectly safe for you, but it does mean that most men will be able to have a relatively short conversation with their doctor to find out if it’s right for them. And while we aimed to find products with the highest chances of success, that ceiling is a bit low; men aren’t likely to feel a night-and-day difference from taking a male enhancement pill, and many won’t feel much at all.

To briefly summarize the findings in our guide, we found Performer 8 to be the best overall pick, thanks largely to its high dose of ginseng and clinically relevant dose of a high-quality ashwagandha extract. Ashwagandha is strangely a somewhat rare ingredient among male enhancement pills, though you might see it more among testosterone boosters. It has the ability to boost testosterone while also providing anti-anxiety effects — perfect for men who get caught in a negative feedback loop of self-doubt if they have trouble performing. The only downside is that ashwagandha may be unsuitable for men with thyroid issues, making something like Max Performer a more attractive option.

If price is your greatest concern, ExtenZe seems to have the lowest costs among acceptable products, with a one-month supply costing $49 and the price per month dropping as you make larger bulk orders. That said, Male Extra’s per bottle price drops to just $30 when you buy two bottles or more. You can certainly find cheaper male enhancement pills, but their safety is going to be questionable.

Testosterone boosters

Testosterone boosters are a subcategory of male enhancement pills, and they share a handful of ingredients in common with typical male enhancement pills, including,

  • L-Arginine
  • Maca
  • Zinc
  • Ginseng
  • B vitamins

Testosterone boosters also include several ingredients you’ll likely see in male enhancement products from time to time, like ashwagandha, fenugreek, and D-aspartic acid. Vitamin D is also central to many testosterone boosters, as low T and D3 deficiency are closely linked in clinical research.

For most men, testosterone levels start to fall off around age 40 at a rate of 1% each year. Some men see sharper declines earlier in life. Clinically low testosterone is defined by the American Urological Association as two consecutive tests with results of less than 300 nanograms per deciliter (ng/dL). Men with levels lower than this are more likely to see benefits from supplementation than those with normal testosterone. To check your levels, you can go to your doctor, but at-home testosterone testing is just as reliable and a lot easier.

If you find you have low testosterone, you can consult our guide to the best testosterone boosters, which identifies TestoPrime as the overall best option for most men (though your circumstances might make a different option in our guide more suitable). Like Performer 8 in the male enhancement space, TestoPrime contains ashwagandha and ginseng, but it also offers fenugreek, D-aspartic acid, zinc, and vitamin D. And our top budget pick comes from one of our favorite at-home testosterone testing companies: Roman. One month of Roman’s Testosterone Support costs just $35 and is automatically part of a convenient subscription. If you bill quarterly, you can take that price down to $29/month compared to the monthly $69 cost for a single month of Max Performer or the $46 monthly cost you incur if you purchase three-month supplies.

Of course, if you find that your testosterone levels are normal or you have good reason to believe you have healthy testosterone levels, you might want to start on the male enhancement side with products like Max Performer.

Prescription medication

Whether for lack of trust in the pharmaceutical industry or lack of insurance, many men look to supplements before considering prescription medication to address sexual performance issues. However, there’s a very good argument to be made that prescription medicines are safer than their supplemental alternatives, not least of all because they’re more stringently regulated by the FDA.

Prescription drugs also undergo a massive amount of top-quality clinical research before hitting the market, something that can’t be said about any men’s health supplement. Even some of the supplements from Leading Edge Health that have had their specific formulas studied did so in small populations with financial sponsorship from the parent company (creating a conflict of interest). There is no comparison between this type of study and the rigorous clinical studies that prescription ED medications undergo.

For men struggling with even moderate, occasional ED, prescription PDE-5 inhibitors will almost always work better than supplements like Max Performer. They also happen to be a lot more convenient because you don’t have to take them daily (unless you choose to with Cialis and generic tadalafil). There are even non-hormonal prescriptions for low testosterone that men would be smart to consider should their tests come back confirming low T.

Here’s a look at the prescriptions you can expect to find online:

Viagra and its generic form, sildenafil

Easily the most recognizable name in ED medication, Viagra and its generic equivalent, sildenafil, start working within about 30 minutes and allow you to achieve an erection any time within about six hours.

Cialis and its generic form, tadalafil

You can take Cialis or tadalafil as needed, and they’ll kick in within about 30-60 minutes, then remain active in your system for up to 36 hours. You can also take a lower dose on a daily basis to be ready at any time.

Vardenafil (generic for Levitra/Staxyn) and Stendra

We lumped these together because they’re both less commonly prescribed alternatives to Viagra and sildenafil. They’re ideal if you notice any kind of visual disturbances in response to Viagra, as these newer medications are more selective in inhibiting PDE-5 without affecting PDE-6 or 11.


The only non-PDE-5 inhibitor of the bunch, apomorphine acts on a dopamine receptor that is partially responsible for controlling erections in response to arousal. Despite its name and its relationship to dopamine in your system, it is non-habit-forming.


Clomiphene is not a treatment for ED; it’s a treatment for low testosterone. Unlike testosterone replacement, which actually puts exogenous testosterone into your body, clomiphene tricks your body into releasing luteinizing hormone, a precursor to testosterone. It is far safer and more convenient than testosterone replacement therapy.

Access to prescription ED medication and testosterone treatment has become decidedly simple in the telehealth era, with the following companies offering doctor consultation, prescription, and delivery all on a single platform:

  • BlueChew: offering chewable forms of sildenafil, tadalafil, and vardenafil
  • Hims: offering Viagra, sildenafil, Cialis, generic Cialis, tadalafil, and Stendra, as well as chewable forms of sildenafil, tadalafil, and vardenafil
  • Roman: offering sildenafil, tadalafil, and clomiphene (when available), as well as chewable daily tadalafil and a sublingual combination of as-needed tadalafil and sildenafil.
  • Rugiet: offering a lozenge containing a combination of sildenafil, tadalafil, and apomorphine

Generally, we encourage men to start with BlueChew for ED and Roman for testosterone prescriptions. BlueChew’s chewable tablets provide unbeatable convenience; the company offers a free trial, and its ongoing pricing is favorable to most. Roman is currently the only online provider we recommend that stocks clomiphene. And since they also provide testosterone testing, you can do everything in one place.



Innerbody uses only high-quality sources, including peer-reviewed studies, to support the facts within our articles. Read our editorial process to learn more about how we fact-check and keep our content accurate, reliable, and trustworthy.

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