ProSolution Plus Reviews: A supplement to treat PE?

ProSolution Plus claims its nutritional supplement can improve sexual performance and beat back premature ejaculation. Our research team weighs the pros and cons.

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Last updated: Jul 11th, 2024
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ProSolution Plus Reviews

Premature ejaculation (PE) is a common problem that nearly half of all men face at some point in their lives. As one recent clinical study points out, about 20-30% of men say it affects their relationships and daily lives. ProSolution Plus is a nutritional supplement created to help men delay climax, with collateral benefits for sexual performance. Understandably, many men may find this appealing as a potential solution because it doesn’t require a prescription. Below, you’ll learn more about PE, how ProSolution Plus aims to help, and whether or not it’s the right choice for you.

Our Findings

Editor's Rating3.75


  • ProSolution Plus study showed improvements in premature ejaculation
  • Study participants also had improved sexual performance
  • Some ingredients boast studies showing results comparable to selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs)
  • Third-party tested for purity, contaminants, heavy metals, and sex-enhancement adulterants
  • 67-day money-back guarantee
  • Save up to 40% when you buy in bulk


  • Study was self-funded, a possible source of bias
  • The study also lacked any specific dose information
  • Majority of research on individual ingredients is based on animal studies
  • No studies on long-term effects

ProSolution Plus is one of the few supplements of its kind on the market and a relatively safe way to get help with premature ejaculation. Its ingredients have been the subjects of several relevant studies, albeit ones performed primarily on animals. A sponsored triple-blind study of the product in humans shows real promise but has conflicting funding sources. Long-term safety is still unknown, so you should proceed with caution and follow your doctor’s advice.

Table of Contents

In this Review

Why you should trust us

At Innerbody Research, we extensively research each health product we review, speak with customers, test products ourselves whenever possible, and rely on the expertise of professionals to ensure each review is helpful to you.

Our team has pored over more than 350 scientific studies focused on men’s sexual wellness, premature ejaculation, and the various ingredients included in ProSolution Plus. We considered dosages, reports of efficacy, and incidences of adverse effects, then compared those results with the findings we’ve gathered about ProSolution Plus’ peers and competitors.

Additionally, like all health-related content on this website, this review was thoroughly vetted by one or more members of our Medical Review Board for accuracy. We will continue to monitor the premature ejaculation landscape and ProSolution Plus to keep this article up to date.

Over the past two decades, Innerbody Research has helped tens of millions of readers make more informed decisions about staying healthy and living healthier lifestyles.

How we evaluated ProSolution Plus

Typically, when we set out to evaluate a men’s sexual wellness product, we have several dozen competitors to reference. We can compare ingredients, doses, and other aspects of their supplements and customer service strategies to help us determine which product is best and where it falls within the landscape. ProSolution Plus is a little different in that it’s one of the only complex supplements formulated with premature ejaculation in mind. A few other products out there advertise similar PE benefits, but they often contain one or two ingredients that you could purchase elsewhere for less. Mate Endurance is an example of a new competitor in the space, but a study of its efficacy showed a negligible difference between it and placebo over orgasm control.

Why more companies haven’t released supplements to extend ejaculation time is unclear. It may have to do with the success of prescription treatments and topical delay products. Whatever the case, when we look into the efficacy and safety of ProSolution Plus, our understanding of its potential is mostly confined to research into its specific ingredients, as well as one study funded by the product’s parent company, Leading Edge Health. This is something we take great care to examine, as efficacy and safety are our two most important criteria.

However, many of ProSolution’s ingredients appear in other male enhancement products, which allows us to get a greater sense of their efficacy and the value ProSolution Plus offers. We believe we can fairly make the same comparison when evaluating convenience, as other male enhancement brands offer similar customer experiences.

Let’s take a closer look at these criteria to see how we came to regard ProSolution Plus:


Rating: 7 / 10

Judging the effectiveness of a product like ProSolution Plus requires more than anecdotal indicators; we compare its ingredients and doses to those used in studies and see if there’s enough variety or quantity of components to influence ejaculate latency. We examine studies looking at these ingredients’ neural impact, specifically on serotonin and dopamine — critical aspects of premature ejaculation treatment. In other cases, the studies looking into ProSolution Plus’ ingredients focus on sexual performance in general or erectile performance in particular. A few of them — all animal studies — make mention of ejaculation latency.

None of the ingredients in ProSolution Plus meet or exceed the doses used in studies, and no studies on individual ingredients used the exact quantities present in ProSolution. Still, that doesn't necessarily mean the ProSolution formulation isn't sufficient. Not all ingredients create strictly dose-dependent outcomes, and it's possible that smaller doses could produce the desired effect.

The idea behind ProSolution Plus’ formula, and that of so many male enhancement products, is that the mixture will have an effect greater than the sum of its parts. For the most part, it’s rare to find studies mixing these specific herbal ingredients. But ProSolution Plus commissioned a third party to conduct a study on its exact formula. There are some shortcomings to the study that we’ll discuss later, including a dosage mystery and a conflicting source of funds, yet the research is promising, and it allows us to give a relatively favorable rating for the product’s potential efficacy.


Rating: 8 / 10

When investigating a product’s potential safety, we use an approach similar to how we assess effectiveness. We compare its contents to studies that include specific accounts of adverse effects. We also had the advantage of ProSolution Plus’ small-scale clinical trial to reference.

Adverse effects in the ProSolution Plus clinical trial occurred at a higher rate among the placebo group than among those taking the actual formula. However, individual studies of the ingredients paint a slightly different picture. Some studies link ashwagandha to increased thyroid hormone levels, which can lead to hyperthyroidism or even thyrotoxicosis among populations already at risk. Ashwagandha can also:

  • Increase sleepiness in people on sedatives
  • Cause hypotension in people on anti-hypertensive drugs
  • Cause hypoglycemia in people on anti-diabetics

And most of mucuna pruriens’ constituent compounds are toxic to humans in sufficient quantities, including its phenols, tannins, and hallucinogenic tryptamines.

Like most male enhancement products, ProSolution Plus seeks to improve erectile performance with several of its ingredients. A common way of achieving this with a supplement is to increase blood flow and nitric oxide production, which can lower blood pressure and make the supplement hazardous to men whose blood pressure is already low or those on medication to control it.

Still, adverse reactions to the individual ingredients in ProSolution Plus are associated with far higher doses than those in the supplement, leading us to believe that it should be safe for most healthy men. Just make sure you talk to your doctor before taking it.


Rating: 3 / 10

When we look at the cost of any supplement, we first take the price into account and then consider things like bulk or subscription savings opportunities, shipping costs, and return policies. And while ProSolution Plus inhabits a niche all its own, it’s still possible to compare its cost to similar male enhancement products (Test Boost Max shares some of ProSolution Plus' main ingredients) and to prescription SSRIs or topical delay products.

Up against any of those alternatives, ProSolution Plus is expensive. Let’s take a look at how it compares:

One-time purchase priceLowest bulk or subscription price (per pack/bottle)Money-back guarantee
ProSolution Plus$70$4267 days
Promescent Delay Spray$23$2360 days
Ro SSRIs$24$24N/A
Test Boost Max$49$33Lifetime

As you can see, ProSolution Plus is the most expensive option on the list. If the product works for you and you have enough money to spend up front, you can buy up to a five-month supply and bring the monthly cost down to around $42, which is still pricier than SSRIs or topical products and also more expensive than a bulk purchase of Test Boost Max.

If you suffer from PE but want to (or already have) intercourse several times per week, it’s possible that the cost of sprays or wipes could start to catch up to ProSolution Plus. But that’s not a likely circumstance for most men with clinical PE.


Rating: 6 / 10

For a supplement like ProSolution Plus, we measure convenience by several factors, including the quality of website design, shipping logistics, the ease of contacting customer service, and dosage.

For the first of these factors, ProSolution Plus is just fine. Its site is effective, if not very pleasing to look at or navigate.

Things get mostly better from there. Leading Edge Health has a phone number you can call for various issues and answers, and the ProSolution Plus website has a functioning contact form you can use to establish communication via email. Shipping is pretty straightforward, taking about a week unless you pay for a shorter time frame.

Dosage, however, is an issue for ProSolution Plus, especially compared to prescription alternatives. That’s because you have to take the product every day for several weeks for it to start working, whereas prescription SSRIs like sertraline allow you to take them as needed, kind of like ED medications you take just before sex. With sertraline, you’ll need to anticipate sex by a few more hours, as peak plasma concentrations occur 4-8 hours after consumption, but popping a pill at dinner when you expect the night to take a turn toward the bedroom could be a lot more convenient than a daily medication.

Also, there are no subscription services like those offered on topical delay products from Promescent, Hims, or Roman. That means you have to keep track of your supply and be sure to reorder before you run out.

Special Offer: Take $120 off plus free shipping on the six-month supply

How do I know if I have clinical premature ejaculation?

The clinical definition of PE is somewhat unclear. It has changed throughout the past century and includes different criteria for men with lifelong PE and those with acquired PE. Older concepts of PE, as a purely psychological issue grounded in Freudian theories about attitudes toward women that develop from the mother outward, have largely been put aside.

There are still undeniable psychological factors to consider, but as we’ve come to a deeper understanding of the internal processes involved in normal ejaculation timing, a physiological picture of PE’s underlying cause has been clarified. In 2007, the International Society for Sexual Medicine formed the Ad Hoc Committee for the Definition of Premature Ejaculation. The committee defined PE as follows:

  • Ejaculation that always or nearly always occurs prior to or within about one minute of vaginal penetration from the first sexual experience (lifelong), or a clinically significant reduction in latency time, often to about three minutes or less (acquired)
  • The inability to delay ejaculation on all or nearly all vaginal penetrations.
  • Negative personal consequences, such as distress, bother, frustration, or the avoidance of sexual intimacy.

Lifetime PE sufferers are those who have consistently experienced the above indications since their first sexual intercourse. Acquired PE patients would have experienced normal ejaculation latencies up to a certain turning point, which doctors will attempt to trace as part of their diagnosis. In either case, if early climax is negatively affecting your relationships, it’s worth investigating some remedies — both for the problem itself and for any underlying causes.

Seeing a doctor to figure out the severity and possible causes of your situation is a necessary first step. PE demands a careful diagnosis to treat. Depression, low serotonin or dopamine levels, performance anxiety, penis sensitivity, and relationship stress are all possible causes, especially of acquired PE. To diagnose you, a doctor will ask questions like:

  • Does this happen every time or only sometimes?
  • How long have you had these symptoms?
  • Are you suffering from anxiety or depression?
  • Do you have trouble getting or maintaining an erection, too?
  • Are you experiencing relationship problems as a result?

Each of your responses will provide clues as to what treatment might work best and what you can do to mitigate the situation as quickly as possible. After reading our comprehensive review, we highly recommend speaking to a doctor to help you decide if taking a supplement like ProSolution Plus is the right move for you.

What is ProSolution Plus?

ProSolution Plus is a nutritional supplement designed to ease PE over time. It aims to treat several clinical PE factors like low libido, performance anxiety, erection quality, and ejaculation control. There’s mixed evidence as to whether its ingredients can do this. Some promising studies have looked into a few of its ingredients, and a lot of small-scale animal research shows promise but needs to be repeated and eventually shown to be effective in humans.

ProSolution Plus’ parent company, Leading Edge Health, produces a handful of sexual wellness products, mostly targeted at men. Many of the company's multiple male enhancement products have somewhat similar formulas, but ProSolution Plus is its only supplement marketed as a PE treatment.

Who should consider ProSolution Plus?

People with PE that affects their relationships and daily lives may want to consider ProSolution Plus, especially if their experience is mild (either occasional PE or events that occur closer to the 60-second mark than the moment of penetration). If other PE remedies like SSRIs or ED meds have brought you to no avail or triggered severe side effects, ProSolution Plus may be a viable alternative. It likely doesn’t have the same degree of efficacy as prescription treatments would, but there are some men for whom it may prove superior.

Who won't find ProSolution Plus useful?

There are a few groups of men for whom ProSolution Plus is not designed. The first is men who have healthy ejaculation latency but still want to last longer in bed. As we’ve discussed, most clinical definitions of PE speak of intercourse lasting less than one minute. So, if you’re already lasting eight minutes but wish you could last 10-15 minutes, ProSolution Plus likely isn’t your best bet. Men in that camp would do better to consider topical delay products like wipes or sprays.

The second group is men with PE related to serious psychological issues, who may not find ProSolution Plus to be helpful. One ashwagandha study suggests that it can diminish symptoms of anxiety and depression, but if your psychological problems are intense enough to cause premature climax, you likely need something more robust.

ProSolution Plus also may not be the answer for men whose PE stems from specific physiological problems like prostate issues. We can’t stress enough that PE is a complex condition with many possible causes. Talking to a doctor before buying ProSolution Plus (or any supplement designed for PE) is essential.

How ProSolution Plus works

ProSolution Plus employs many of the same ingredients you’ll see in other men’s sexual wellness supplements — mostly ones geared toward erectile performance and libido, not necessarily PE. There are some links between ED and PE, which makes sense of these included ingredients, but ProSolution Plus includes a few components you don’t typically see in male enhancement products.

Of the seven active ingredients in ProSolution Plus, five have been shown to support healthy dopamine and serotonin activity (dopamine and serotonin have both been linked to pleasure and control over ejaculation):

  • Ashwagandha
  • Asparagus adscendens root
  • Shilajit
  • Tribulus terrestris
  • Mucuna pruriens

Doses of these ingredients used in studies are usually much larger than what you’ll find in ProSolution Plus, and most of the research has been done in animals, but the act of combining them may have a synergistic effect. Without dedicated research into ProSolution Plus’ formula, it would be hard to say for sure, which is likely why the company commissioned a clinical study for its product.

ProSolution Plus clinical study

The American Journal of Therapeutics published a triple-blind, placebo-controlled clinical trial that included two doses of the ProSolution Plus formula alongside a similar formula with Piper longum and Anacyclus pyrethrum added to it. Participants measured improvements according to standardized rubrics for erectile function, sexual satisfaction, and premature ejaculation. According to the ProSolution Plus website, the results showed a 64% reduction in premature ejaculation and a 67% increase in erection maintenance.

Unfortunately, there are some shortcomings with the published study that call these numbers into question. For starters, while the ingredients listed in the formula the researchers investigated match those in ProSolution Plus, the study never specifies the doses used. The only reference the study gives to dosage is that one set of participants received a low dose, and the other received a high dose. What that means is a mystery. The lower dose actually performed better across all parameters than either the high dose or the formula with added ingredients, but that still doesn’t tell us how much of it participants took.

Another significant issue with the study is that the data reporting lacks nuance, and the numbers provided don’t necessarily mesh with the claims on the ProSolution website. Premature ejaculation was evaluated using the Index of Premature Ejaculation (IPE), which consists of ten questions — four covering ejaculation control, four for sexual satisfaction, and two for distress. Each question has a range of five answers (known as a Likert scale), with five being the best outcome for each. A perfect score would be 50 points, but scores are often adjusted to a scale of 0-100.

The only scores provided in the study are the total IPE scores at baseline and after 60 days for four groups (low dose, high dose, augmented formula, and placebo). None of the scores listed support ProSolution Plus’ claim of a 64% reduction in premature ejaculation, but it’s possible that number came from the IPE scores dealing exclusively with control and not satisfaction or distress. The study doesn’t get into such specifics.

Our last gripe with this study is that Leading Edge Health (ProSolution Plus’ parent company) was the sole source of funding. The study describes various means by which researchers attempted to avoid bias, but it’s difficult to rule out that concern completely when the funding source represents such a direct conflict of interest.

ProSolution Plus ingredients

The results of the company’s commissioned study are promising, but given the important missing pieces of information about that study, we’d like to turn to the science behind each of ProSolution Plus’ ingredients to help verify or contradict what the study claims. Very few of these ingredients have been studied specifically for their effect on premature ejaculation. But, armed as we are with the knowledge of PE’s psychological and physiological factors, we can confidently infer from existing research how each is meant to help men last longer in bed.

Let’s take a closer look at each ingredient:

Ashwagandha (240mg)

One clinical study discovered that ashwagandha (Withania somnifera) indirectly increased serotonin levels in adult mice. Given the fact that SSRIs are designed to elevate serotonin levels and are a go-to prescription treatment for PE, we believe ashwaghanda’s inclusion in the ProSolution formula can help relieve PE symptoms, albeit to a lesser degree. Another 2003 study concluded that ashwagandha significantly increases nitric oxide (NO) production — a critical neurotransmitter for erection health. Higher NO levels increase blood flow to the penis and may help with underlying physiological causes of ED (a condition often linked to PE). Also, in humans, ashwagandha has been shown to increase testosterone levels and reduce anxiety, the latter of which may alleviate psychological factors contributing to PE.

Asparagus adscendens root (200mg)

Asparagus adscendens root (AARR) is a climbing plant native to Asia (not to be confused with the common, nutritious vegetable). A clinical review outlines its potential effects on the cardiovascular, nervous, and immune systems. The review reported no toxicity, even at doses as high as 64g/kg in mice. One animal study significantly increased sexual activity in rats, including an increase in ejaculation latency, but that was at astronomical doses (equivalent to 9,000mg daily on the low end). And another animal study showed improvements in dopamine and norepinephrine levels on a dose-dependent scale.

It’s important to note that these studies all used animals; currently, there’s insufficient research on AARR’s use on humans.

Shilajit / Asphaltum exudate (150mg)

Shilajit is a wax-like substance found in the Himalayan Mountains. While our research found no documented studies about its use relating to PE, we did find two possible ways this exotic ingredient might improve sexual performance. A double-blind clinical study found that 250mg of shilajit twice per day led to a significant increase in testosterone compared to a placebo. Another clinical study revealed that shilajit increased dopamine levels in mice. If your PE is linked to erectile dysfunction (ED) or low dopamine (two common causes), shilajit may help, though doses in both studies are much higher than the dose in ProSolution Plus.

Kali Musli / Curculigo orchioides root (100mg)

Kali Musli is an endangered plant native to Asia that’s anecdotally helpful for conditions like ED, low libido, and jaundice. But there’s not enough scientific evidence to conclude it works for any of these purposes. One animal study found a dose of 100mg/kg given to rats enhanced erections, mating frequency, and attractability toward females. Human trials have yet to replicate these results.

Tribulus terrestris fruit (100mg)

Tribulus terrestris (TT) has been the subject of several animal studies looking into its potential as a treatment for Parkinson’s disease. These studies reveal an influence on dopamine activity that could also benefit men with PE. One 2013 study found TT induced a reaction involving nitric oxide and relaxed corpora cavernosa (the spongy penile tissue that fills with blood during an erection). The researchers concluded TT might improve erectile function, though more research is needed.

Results in humans are mixed. One clinical study found no difference between TT and placebo for treating ED, And another clinical trial reported a significant improvement in sexual function over a placebo. We need more research to predict TT’s uses in human sexual dysfunction in general and premature ejaculation specifically.

Mucuna pruriens seed (100mg)

A 2009 study on Mucuna pruriens outlines numerous potential uses for this bean. The point of interest here is that it contains 4-7% concentrations of a compound called L-dopa, which works as a neurotransmitter and precursor for dopamine production. As the neurotransmitter responsible for pleasure, motivation, and reaching climax, dopamine plays a significant role in the bedroom. One animal study found substantial increases in sexual activity and ejaculation latency using a Mucuna pruriens alcohol extract of 200mg/kg.

It hasn’t been tested as an aphrodisiac on humans, but one clinical study resulted in some promising findings for men’s infertility. Over five months of daily 5,000mg supplementation, men saw a 688% increase in sperm concentration, a 32% increase in sperm motility, and a 25-81% drop in cortisol levels (one measure of stress).

Asteracantha longifolia whole plant (80mg)

Asteracantha longifolia is a plant found in the marshes of Asia and Africa. It’s common in Ayurvedic medicine, but scientists know little about its effects, especially in humans. In one animal study, researchers saw increases in sexual activity, sperm production, and attractability toward females. Researchers saw no adverse effects in the study at doses ranging from 100-200mg/kg daily.

Is ProSolution Plus safe?

In the ProSolution Plus study, only 2% of participants experienced headache or heartburn, with no cases of flushing or dizziness reported. Compared to the 8-18% occurrence of all those symptoms in Viagra and Cialis trials, that would be a significant step toward safety. But ProSolution Plus is not analogous to those treatments. It may be fairer to compare it with SSRIs — a common prescription treatment for men with PE — or delay sprays (a topical, over-the-counter option to combat PE by gently numbing the penis).

Delay sprays are safe and pose basically no risk of side effects as long as:

  • You use them as directed, meaning that you spray sparingly and wait the appropriate length of time before engaging in sexual activity
  • You and your sex partner have no allergies to benzocaine or lidocaine (as the case may be)

Allergies to topical benzocaine or lidocaine collectively happen in about 2.4% of the population (though being allergic to one of them doesn’t mean a person is allergic to the other).

Meanwhile, a 2009 SSRI study reported that 38% of participants experienced some side effects. Changes in sexual functioning, sleepiness, and weight were the most common three. While that makes ProSolution a comparatively safe alternative, there are two things you should be aware of before you try it.

First, ProSolution Plus may lower blood pressure and cause lightheadedness if you’re already on blood pressure medication. People with diabetes may also want to be careful since ProSolution Plus can shift blood sugar levels, as well.

Second, shilajit is a potentially worrying ingredient. A clinical study discovered that 20% of shilajit supplements produced in the U.S. and India contained heavy metals, including lead, mercury, and arsenic. This often results from low-quality extraction processes and a lack of oversight in testing. Some early signs of heavy metal contamination to be mindful of are rashes, increased heart rate, and dizziness. Fortunately, Leading Edge Health subjects its ProSolution Plus formula to third-party testing for several parameters, including heavy metals. A recent certificate of analysis, available on the company’s website, shows minuscule readings well below safety thresholds.

On another note, an FDA letter from 2017 discovered unmarked additions of sildenafil in a counterfeit version of ProSolution. It’s unclear who the distributors in question are and how these counterfeit products made it to store shelves. We strongly recommend buying directly from ProSolution Plus to ensure you’re getting the real deal (third-party testing also confirms the absence of these “sex enhancement adulterants”).


ProSolution Plus offers progressive savings with bulk purchases that top off at around 40% with a five-month order. ProSolution used to offer more delivery intervals than any other men’s sexual wellness supplements we cover, but the two-, four-, six-, and 12-month levels have been removed. This simplifies things for consumers, but it might have taken away a financial sweet spot for some.

Here’s how the pricing breaks down:

Free ShippingPricePrice per BoxSavings
One month$70$70N/A
Three months
Five months

The vast majority of ProSolution Plus’ competitors used to have similar shipping fees, which would often disappear at higher bulk levels. But those companies — including other brands sold by Leading Edge Health, ProSolution Plus’ parent company — have largely done away with this structure and have begun offering free shipping on all purchases regardless of quantity. ProSolution Plus is behind the times on this account.

67-day money-back guarantee

ProSolution Plus offers a 67-day money-back guarantee on your purchase. The idea is that you can try the product for two months to see if it works for you and still have a week to set up a refund if you’d like. This is a standard return window for products made by Leading Edge Health, but it’s both shorter than most competitors in the male enhancement space and too short for many nutritional supplements to begin working. Two months is often the minimum to see effects, with 8-12 weeks being a more common timeline we’ve seen in the research.

Test Boost Max, a testosterone booster that shares some ingredients with ProSolution Plus, offers a lifetime guarantee on its product while costing less and boasting higher doses of ashwagandha and TT than ProSolution Plus. However, it doesn’t have some of ProSolution Plus’ other dopamine- and serotonin-supporting ingredients, like Mucuna pruriens.

Alternatives to ProSolution Plus

ProSolution Plus could be a good value for some men looking for alternatives to traditional PE treatments. It’s on the pricey side, and there are clear issues with its shipping fees, website design, and ingredient doses, but the small-scale study of its efficacy and safety at least points toward a possibility that it can help.

If you aren’t sure ProSolution Plus is suitable for you, you’d be wise to consider other options first. There are several pathways to travel here, from other nutritional supplements to prescription drugs and topical numbing agents. Each has its benefits and drawbacks, so let’s take a closer look at them,

Similar men’s health supplements

While ProSolution Plus bills itself first and foremost as a way to combat PE, it also offers benefits more commonly seen among male enhancement pills. These include improved erectile performance and increased libido. If you compare ProSolution Plus’ formula to that of many male enhancement pills, you’ll see a significant crossover of ingredients like TT, shilajit, and ashwagandha.

That doesn’t necessarily mean male enhancement pills will work for premature ejaculation. If anything, they can work against the symptoms of ED that are sometimes linked to PE. If you’re looking for a male enhancement pill that has the potential to treat PE, you’ll want to find one that also contains the kinds of dopamine-enhancing ingredients found in ProSolution Plus.

Here’s a quick look at a pair of male enhancement products that we’ve found to contain a few of the same ingredients in ProSolution Plus that might influence PE:

Test Boost Max

Test Boost Max belongs to a subset of the male enhancement market known as testosterone boosters. Their ingredients aim to improve sexual health by elevating testosterone levels, especially in men with clinically low testosterone. Its two most prevalent ingredients are ashwagandha and TT, which are also two ProSolution Plus ingredients with known dopamine benefits. It's worth noting that Test Boost Max’s ashwagandha and TT doses are roughly three and five times what you find in ProSolution Plus, respectively.

Performer 8

Performer 8 is our top-rated male enhancement pill. It contains 500mg of ashwagandha and 6,000mg of ginseng. A comprehensive look at ginseng’s potential in neurological disorders reveals significant positive effects on dopamine and serotonin, even at doses below what Performer 8 offers.


SSRIs allow extra serotonin to flow through your body. They are among the earliest prescription treatments for PE, and their efficacy is well documented.

However, SSRIs can cause side effects and react poorly with certain medications. One of the most common side effects, reported by as many as 25% of users, is sexual dysfunction. So, while SSRIs may help you with premature ejaculation, there’s a roughly one-in-four chance they’ll also prevent you from getting an erection, which would certainly work against your goals.

There’s also the issue of approaching your doctor about PE, which can be embarrassing. Fortunately, several online services can provide you with doctor consultations, prescriptions, and even delivery to treat your PE with the utmost privacy.

Popular SSRIs for treating PE include:

  • Sertraline (generic for Zoloft)
  • Paroxetine (generic for Paxil)
  • Fluoxetine (generic for Prozac)
  • Clomipramine (generic for Anafranil)
  • Citalopram (generic for Celexa)
  • Dapoxetine (generic for Priligy)

If you’re curious about using an SSRI to treat your PE, we recommend visiting Hims, where you can get sertraline or paroxetine if you qualify. You can also visit Roman, but Ro offers only sertraline. For PE treatments like this, Hims and Ro are ideal for men who:

  • Don’t have insurance
  • Have insurance that doesn’t cover SSRIs for PE

Men with sufficient insurance coverage will likely pay less going through their insurance than they would using a telehealth provider like Hims or Ro.

As one example, both sertraline and paroxetine through Hims or sertraline from Roman start at $24/month. One United Healthcare plan we looked into covered a 90-day supply for just $23 — roughly a third of the cost of going the Roman or Hims routes.

Delay sprays and wipes

Provided you aren’t allergic to benzocaine or lidocaine, delay sprays and wipes are likely the safest way to combat premature ejaculation. These are topical products you apply to your penis before sex to provide you with a mild numbing sensation. You’ll still be able to feel everything, but the sensation won’t be quite as intense.

Most delay sprays are made with lidocaine, while most wipes are made with benzocaine, but this isn’t true across the board.

Here’s a quick look at our favorite delay products and their key details. We based the cost per use for sprays on the average number of sprays it took us to reach effective numbing in testing. Our effectiveness rating is not a reflection of numbing power, per se, but rather our estimation of the balance between effective numbing and the preservation of sensation.

Active ingredient
Spray/wipe count
Cost per use
Promescent Delay Spray
35-55 minutes
Promescent Wipes 5-pack
30-45 minutes
Roman Swipes 8-pack
20-30 minutes

One of the biggest advantages of topical delay products over supplements or prescriptions is that you don’t have to use them every day, and there’s very little risk of side effects.

A significant downside to delay wipes is their application, which can be messy and time-consuming. It typically takes 10-15 minutes for the numbing to set in. Also, you need to be sure that your penis is dry before intercourse begins, or you might spread some of that numbing agent to your partner. Plus, some users report skin discomfort, and we advise anyone to talk to their doctor before using topical delay products to double-check for any allergies to numbing agents.

You can learn more about these products by checking out our guides to the best PE wipes and best delay sprays.



Innerbody uses only high-quality sources, including peer-reviewed studies, to support the facts within our articles. Read our editorial process to learn more about how we fact-check and keep our content accurate, reliable, and trustworthy.

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