
  • Purchase of industrial and agricultural assets;
  • Establishment of the Group as a diversified company;
  • The beginning of the project for the production of modern rolling stock.
  • Optimization of the corporate governance structure.
  • The Group acquired majority stakes in the controlled entities;
  • Reorganization by means of merger of JSC Metallprom and JSC Sinara Group, increase of authorized capital and company assets;
  • Sinara Group acquires the Burgas Holiday Hotel;
  • A prototype of a new DC electric freight locomotive with a collector traction drive of Sinara 2ES6 series is released.
  • Improvement of corporate governance, beginning of structuring the assets of Sinara Group enterprises by industries and formation of divisional holdings;
  • Establishment of Sinara-Transport Machines holding;
  • Establishing Sinara–Arkhyz Company, the operator of the project for the construction of the all-season tourist and recreational complex Arkhyz in the Karachay-Cherkess Republic.
  • Consolidation of priority business areas, entry into new enterprises;
  • Completion of the overhaul of accommodation blocks and the restaurant of Burgas Holiday Hotel.
  • Establishment of Sinara Development divisional holding.
  • Setting up a joint venture with Siemens AG, beginning of production of freight DC electric mainline locomotives with an asynchronous traction drive 2ES10 "Granite";
  • Beginning of the implementation of the project for the construction of the largest international exhibition center in the Urals in cooperation with the Middle Urals Development Corporation.
  • Signing of a contract with Russian Railways for the supply of 1,200 cars of Lastochka electric train;
  • Completion of the first reconstruction of the Central Stadium in Ekaterinburg;
  • Establishment of the locomotive service company STM-Service LLC.
  • Conclusion of a R&D contract between UDMZ LLC and the RF Ministry of Industry and Trade (within the framework of the Federal Target Program “National Technological Base”);
  • Commissioning of the first facilities of the all-season mountain resort Arkhyz in the KChR.
  • Acquisition of SKB-Bank shares from EBRD;
  • Completion of the electric trains production complex at the Ural Locomotives plant;
  • Opening the first hotels in the Arkhyz resort – the Romantic Hotel Complex;
  • Acquisition of a controlling stake of the Kaluga plant of track machines and hydraulic drives;
  • The Burgas Holiday Hotel received an international compliance certificate for 3 star category.
  • Production of the first high-speed Russian electric train Lastochka of ES2G series by Ural Locomotives;
  • Conclusion of an agreement with the Government of the Sverdlovsk Region for cooperation in the development of the Novokoltsovsky District in Ekaterinburg;
  • Transfer of 26 locomotive depots from Russian Railways to the management of STM-Service;
  • STM-Service started the full maintenance service of 5,000 Russian Railways locomotives at the Sverdlovsk, West Siberian, South Ural, Kuibyshev and Moscow railways;
  • Production of the mainline diesel locomotive TG16M and the gas turbine locomotive GT1h by the Lyudinovo diesel locomotive plant;
  • A prototype of a new diesel engine 12DM-185T produced by UDMZ was produced.
  • The handover to RZhD and startup of regular service with the Ural high-speed electric trains Lastochka at Octyabrskaya and Sverdlovskaya railways;
  • Conclusion of an agreement between Sinara Group and Ekaterinburg City Administration on building a multifunctional zoo in the framework of the Novokoltsovsky area development project;
  • Increase in the capital of SKB-Bank through an additional issue, within which Sinara Group acquired 100% of the bank's shares and became its key shareholder;
  • Conclusion of a state contract with FSUE Sport-Engineering for the reconstruction of the Central Stadium of Ekaterinburg as part of the preparation of the sports facility for the 2018 FIFA World Cup;
  • Implementation by SKB-Bank of the measures for financial recovery of Gazenergobank (Kaluga).
  • Signing of an agreement on the establishment in Russia of a joint production of high-speed rolling stock between Russian Railways, China Railway, Sinara Group and the Chinese company CRRC;
  • Signing of an agreement for the supply of 75 shunting locomotives for the Cuban Railways Union;
  • Electric trains Lastochka by Ural Locomotives began to operate on the Moscow Central Circle.
    • LocoTech and STM-Service established a joint venture – the Novosibirsk Electric Locomotive Repair Plant.
    • Based on the results of 2017, STM-Service is servicing about 8,000 sections of Russian Railways locomotives;
    • SinaraPromTrans signed a contract for transport services with the TAGMET plant, as well as a three-year contract for transport services with EVRAZ NTMK;
    • Completion of the reconstruction of Ekaterinburg Central Stadium (Ekaterinburg-Arena) for 2018 FIFA World Cup. In December, a conclusion from Rostechnadzor was received on the compliance of the constructed facility with the requirements of technical reg
    • Registration of a financial group, including SKB-Bank, Gazenergobank, and SKB-Lab project office. Start of the Delobank project;
    • In 2017, the agricultural enterprise Kamenskoye celebrated its 60th anniversary, this year they picked a record harvest of grain – 35 c/ha.
    • Sinara Transport Machines Holding acquired the controlling block of shares at RPM Group;
    • Ural Locomotives developed, tested and handed over to the customer the two-system high-speed electric train Lastochka ES1P;
    • Burgas Holiday Hotel was acknowledged as the best 3 star hotel in Sochi.
    • Opening of the Convention Center of IEC Ekaterinburg-EXPO;
    • Completion of the renovation project of the 19th century architectural monument and opening of the cultural and exhibition complex Sinara Center;
    • Presentation of the Universiade-2023 Village planning project in Novokoltsovsky prospective development area of Ekaterinburg;
    • Start of testing of the TEMG1 gas locomotive;
    • Lastochkas successfully run in 19 regions of Russia on the routes of Moscow, St. Petersburg, the Moscow region, the Sverdlovsk, the Leningrad, the Ivanovo, the Vladimir, the Nizhny Novgorod, the Kursk, the Oryol, the Kaliningrad, the Belgorod, the Smole
    • Sinara–Transport Machines (SТМ) and Škoda Transportation set up a joint venture for the production of modern product range of comfortable and environment friendly types of city transport including trams, trolley-buses, electric omnibuses and subway cars