Financial group

We increase your financial opportunities

The financial line of business of the Sinara Group is represented by Sinara Bank (known before as SKB-bank), Gazenergobank, SKB-LAB (IT-company), microcredit organization SKB-finance*. Sinara Bank is also the head company for Delobank - a federal bank for entrepreneurs that provides fully remote financial management services.

In addition to classic banking for individuals and business clients a new investment branch of business is being developed now. It is represented by Sinara Invest bank. And the international financial holding Sinara Financial Corporation is created.  

Sinara Bank – is one of Russia's largest regional banks. It is among the first to develop and implement innovative services and solutions for the financial market. There are more than 70 offices and more than 19 000 ATMs belonging to a joint partner network at the disposal of the group’s customers.

* JSC Gazenergobank, SKB Lab LLC, MKK SKB-Finance LLC

** Delobank is Delo branch of SKB-Bank public joint stock company


Sinara Bank

Banking services for the public and businesses

Banking services for the public and businesses
Online banking for businesses